Graphical Admin Interface • Directory Protection • Visitor Statistics • File Manager • Webmail • FTPS • SFTP • Server Location in Italy, Germany or Austria • Web Server Logs • .htaccess • Virus Scanner • SMTP (TLS & SSL) • DKIM • Email Forwarding • Email Alias • IMAP • POP • phpMyAdmin • IPv6 Ready • WebConfig • and much more
Web space with 100% SSD storage!
Leverage the power of PHP to install and run dynamic web applications seamlessly. Whether you're hosting popular platforms or developing custom scripts, our hosting environment supports multiple PHP versions to ensure compatibility and optimal performance for your projects.
Secure your websites with free Let's Encrypt SSL certificates, enhancing trust and encryption for your visitors. If you prefer, you can also install your own certificates to meet specific security requirements, ensuring maximum flexibility and control over your site's security.
Manage your MySQL databases effortlessly with phpMyAdmin accessible via WebConfig. This intuitive interface allows you to create, modify, and maintain your databases with ease, empowering you to handle complex database operations without hassle.
Access detailed log files to monitor and analyze your website's performance and security. In compliance with data protection regulations, IP addresses in logs and statistics can be anonymized, ensuring the privacy of your visitors while providing you with valuable insights.
Dive into comprehensive traffic statistics across various protocols such as HTTP, FTP, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP. Understand your site's traffic patterns, identify peak usage times, and make informed decisions to enhance your online presence.
Our intuitive file manager allows you to manage your web space files directly through your browser. Upload, edit, and organize files effortlessly, and make quick adjustments on the fly with the built-in file editor, streamlining your workflow.
Experience full control over your hosting services with WebConfig, our user-friendly web panel. Manage domains, configure email accounts, set up databases, and customize settings all from one centralized interface designed for efficiency and ease of use.
Safeguard your data with our robust backup management system. Connect to remote storage solutions via FTPS, SFTP, Dropbox, and more, ensuring your important files are securely backed up and easily recoverable in case of any unforeseen events.
Stay connected with customizable email solutions. Retrieve your emails through IMAP and POP3 protocols, or access them on the go with our webmail service. Set up catch-all addresses, configure aliases, and manage forwarding to suit your communication needs.
Protect your inbox from unwanted messages with our advanced spam filtering system. Incoming emails are thoroughly analyzed to minimize spam, and you have the control to configure mail filters and manage blacklists to tailor the filtering to your preferences.
Access your emails anytime, anywhere with our webmailer. This convenient tool lets you read and send emails from any web browser, ensuring you stay connected whether you're at the office, at home, or on the move around the world.